Monday, December 16, 2013

The importance of interactivity

The Importance Of Interactivity

Interactivity is the way in which a magazine allows interactions between the magazine and the fans and people who buy the magazine as well as the artists and bands that are being features inside. Interactivity has allowed magazines to develop and progress over the last few years as it has been a vital part of advertisement. 
      Magazine have developed due to different a furthering in interactivity and each of the different magazines having their own website published for the fans and reader online. By having a website this offers a chance for the magazine to share their information on the internet and will increase the interactivity between the magazine itself and the readers. Technology now a days also allows users to download links to music, comment on sections where readers can talk to each other and allowing reader to submit their own review easily by having a review page on the website of the magazine. As well as the fact that fans and readers can interact with the artists in the magazine through stream videos and online interviews. 
       Social media websites are another way in which magazines interact with the readers. Each of the magazines often have social media websites linked on their websites as well as on their front covers, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These are websites that allow fans and followers to interact with different artists and bands that are in the magazine as well as being able to keep up to date with information about the magazine itself. Many of these websites posts new songs as well as photos from gigs and people can repost them and save them.

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