Thursday, October 24, 2013

My second questionnaire

Please write or circle your answer.

1)What title would you prefer to see on a music front cover?       Noise       

 Loud         Core        Pulse        Sound        Beat

 2)What colours would tend to attract you to a music magazine?       Red     

 Pink       Yellow      Black       Orange      Green       White       Blue

 3)What style of font do you tend to see on music magazines?       

 Century Gothic(Loud)      Arial(Loud)        Broadway(Loud)        Franklin

 Gothic demi(Loud)       Rockwell(Loud)           Gill Sans MT Ext Conde(Loud)

My questionnaire results analysis

Originally i presented and handed out my questionnaire to 50 people around the school which range from the age of 11-18 as well as including teachers. Through doing this i developed a good idea of what my audience would like to see throughout my music magazine.
The first question on my closed questionnaire showed how mostly females filled out my questionnaire.
The second question was on age and showed how the age range for my questionnaire was diverse but generally 18-19 year olds filled in the questionnaire more.
The third question developed more about my music magazine and it highlighted how most people who filled in my questionnaire generally favouritised to the Rock genre.
Question four show how most people buy music magazines.
The fifth question shows that there is a diverse range of ways people listen to music.
The sixth question shows how my target audience generally buy music so i could consider using online artists for my magazine.
All of the artists of question seven are diversly distributed so i could consider using each artist throughout my magazine.
My magazine would be published monthly as question eight backs this up.
Question nine is also evenly distributed however who is on the cover makes a difference if my audience buys a magazine.
The tenth question also highlights that my audience wants new artist primarily throughout my magazine.
The final question shows how my audience would generally buy a magazine between £1-£3.
I will now go on to create a second questionnaire to determine what titles, colours and fonts i will include in my magazine.

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results

Monday, October 14, 2013

First questionnaire

Please write or circle your answer.


 1)Gender:      Male     Female
 2)Age:            14-15     16-17    18-19    20-21    22+

 3)Favourite genre of music:   Pop      Rock    Indie    Dance   metal    R&B   other

 4)Do you usually buy music magazine?     Yes       No

 5)How do you generally listen to music?     Radio     TV     Computer    Cd     IPod       

 Telephone     MP3 Player

 6)Do you buy music magazines?    Yes      No

 7)Who are your favourite music artists? ___________________________________________________________________________

 8)How often are you willing to buy music magazines?      Daily      Weekly   

 Fortnightly       Monthly

 9)What do you find the most important selling point of a magazine?      

 Freebies     Who’s on the cover      Loyalty        Brand       Feature article

 10)What would you like to see included in a music magazine?        New artists      

 Gossip      Free Downloads      Music reviews     Photo shoots       Competitions 

 11)What colours attract you to magazines?(Please tick three)

 Pink     Red    Black     Orange     Purple      White     Grey       Yellow

 12)What’s the maximum price you would pay for a magazine?

 Less than £1      £1.01-£2.00     £2.01-£3.00       £3.01+   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Marjorie Ferguson's theory

Marjorie Ferguson in 1980 established the four types of facial expression in the cover photos of British woman's magazines.
Chocolate Box: Chocolate is a half or full-smile, lips together or slightly parted, teeth barely visible, full or three quarter face to the camera. Projected mood: warm bath warmth, where uniformity of features in their smooth perfection is devoid of uniqueness or of individuality.
Invitational: Invitational is the emphasis is on the eyes. The mouth is shut with only a hint of a smile (teeth barely showing at times), head to one side slightly. The mood is suggestive of mischief or mystery, the hint of contact potential rather than sexual promise.

Romantic or sexual: The projected moods are possibly 'available' and definitely 'available'. Often clothing is limited or props are used. Dreamy, heavy-lidded and unsmiling. Overtly sensual or sexual.
Super smiler: This is of a full face with a wide open smile with teeth visible. Looking happy and giving off a good vibe. The Head is forward and the chin is back. Hair is often wind blown and suggests 'Look at me' approach.

My music magazine pitch

Magazine Pitch
Our next task was to create our own magazine our own music magazine and we have to design a pitch that will correlate with the typical conventions of a music magazine today. Through researching the different genres of music magazine covers, contents pages and magazine article i now have a full understanding of the traditonal conventions of a music magazine as well as the features that are included in typical magazines today. I decided that my magazine front cover would consist of a high quality photo with the subtitles included down each side of the cover. As well as continuing the typical conventions throughout my contents page and my double page spread. In order to create each of these aspects of my magazine i will use Adobe Photoshop to edit my magazine to a high quality.
  -Genre: Rock/pop
  -Primary Target Audience: Young females aged between 14-25
  -Secondary Target Audience: Young males ages between 14-25 as well as older females 26+